Hi there! I’m John, a Data Engineer in Hamburg, Germany.

Data Engineer

I started work for hvv, the local transport authority in Hamburg, Germany, in March 2023.

Data Science Bootcamp

From August to November 2022, I completed the Data Science Bootcamp at neuefische. I really enjoyed spending all day coding in Python for 12 weeks, working with people from scientific and other professional backgrounds, pair programming, and problem solving in groups.

The syllabus included:

  • 540 hours of hands-on Python programming experience
  • Capstone project for a real stakeholder:
    • Predicting customer churn for a large developer of fintech applications
    • Used PySpark (Apache Spark) to access over 100GB of data, including caching data locally
    • Worked in a team of 4 people and took a leading role in terms of software architecture and data engineering
  • Extensive coverage of ML algorithms and implementation in:
    • scikit-learn,
    • Pandas,
    • Numpy,
    • Keras/Tensorflow
  • Visualisation with
    • Matplotlib,
    • Seaborn,
    • Plotly

Previous experience

I have extensive experience in open-source content management and web development through previous work in the area. I’ve been using developer tools such as Git, Unix shell and various programming languages regularly for over 10 years. I’m enthusiastic about experimenting with my Raspberry Pi, including collecting ambient data in a containerised architecture.

You can request my CV by emailing me at john@johnheaven.eu